Bandwidth Calculator -

A bit is smallest unit understood and used by computers and it is also used in the information technology applications. A bit can either be 0 or 1. Eight bits combine to form a byte and one byte can be used for representing values from 0 to 255. The unit of communication bandwidth in IT that's widely used is bit. For instance, if the transfer rate is 1 Mbits that would mean that the communication is taking place at 1 Megabits per second. This is the rate at which information is passed from one machine to the other. The unit for information storage, however, is byte. You can say a hard disk or memory of 8GB would be able to hold information up to 8 Gigabytes of data. But what does this bandwidth calculator do?

Bandwidth/Size Converter

= ?

Download/Upload Time Calculator

File Size
Select a speed:
Network efficiency:
 %  (adjustment for connection quality, packet loss, etc.; 100 = perfect, 0 = disconnected)

Website Bandwidth Calculator

Page Views
Average Page Size

Hosting Bandwidth Converter

Monthly Usage
is equivalent to

Bandwidth Calculator -
Bandwidth Calculator

Well, this isn't just a single calculator rather there are four different calculators that you can find on this page. Each of these calculators performs a different function and calculates different values. However, each of these values is related to bandwidth. For instance, one calculator is used for measuring website bandwidth while the other is used for hosting bandwidth.

How It Works?

The first bandwidth calculator works as a bandwidth/size converter. You have to enter bandwidth in one of the given units - make sure to select the appropriate unit - and the calculator converts it into different other units that are used for measuring bandwidth and shows you the result in all those units available.

The second calculator on the page can be used for measuring the download or upload time for a specific file with available connection bandwidth. You have to enter the size of the file that you want to download or upload and select an appropriate unit for size. After that you have to enter the bandwidth available for that upload or download with appropriate unit. The calculator will show you the time that will be needed for download/upload.

The next on the list is website bandwidth calculator. This calculator requires you to enter the number of page views per day - you can select other measures as well like per week or per month – and the average size of your website pages. Select appropriate unit for the page size as well. As you hit the calculate button, the bandwidth calculator will tell you how much of bandwidth you will need for your website to perform at optimum levels.

The last calculator is the hosting bandwidth converter. It accepts two values as input, but you have to enter one value and the calculator will convert it into the other and show you the result. For instance, if you provide your monthly usage, the calculator will tell you how much it is in terms of bandwidth and vice versa.

So, use any bandwidth calculator as per your need and calculate the desired results. You will certainly have great insights into your internet usage and will be able to make smarter decisions in terms of what you need or how you should go about using the available bandwidth.

Unit Conversion Helper


Other Calculators